TERMINOLOGY provides secure, agile and robust middleware technologies our partners can license or white label with terminals, kiosks and software.
TERMINOLOGY’s Middleware easily integrates with Payment Gateways, Point of sale, ERP systems and other technologies to reduce time to market, and PCI compliance risks and improve production efficiencies.
Payment Gateway
Our Key-Injection services can be managed locally in a PCI PIN Key-Injection Facility (KIF) or remotely in the cloud to optimize merchant acquirer and card issuer secure key-management services, efficiently. TERMINOLOGY has partnered with best in class cloud and hardware based key-injection protocols such as DUKPT and (AES) encryption protocols.
TERMINOLOGY partners and integrates with leading Level 1 (PCI) compliant payment gateways and middleware providers to secure credit, debit, gift card, wallets and (APM) payments. Our Payment gateways are certified to accept in-store, on-line, In-App, Wallet, (APM) and other payment methods that send and receive transaction data securely, between payment processors, terminals and kiosks.
TERMINOLOGY’s Proximity software is embedded in our terminals, kiosk, middleware and software to optimize check-in and check-out experiences using Ultrasonic sound waves to engage transaction data.