Terminology, Inc announces certification with Utimaco, Inc. and its KeyBRIDGE 4100 key-injection platform

TERMINOLOGY, INC. a unique point of sale Terminals-as-a-Service company announces it has completed the certification with Utimaco, Inc., formerly GEOBRIDGE, and its KeyBRIDGE 4100 key-injection platform, its fully managed MyHSM Payment host security modules (HSM) service and Key Exchange and Escrow Service (KEES).

This milestone enables banks, processors, ISV, ISO, PSP/Payfacs and distributors to remotely or locally inject acquiring keys to our suite of Android terminals. We are proud to complete this certification for our clients with Utimaco, Inc. a leading Payment key management and HSM as a service provider.

Money 2020 Event Showcase

TERMINOLOGY, INC exhibits at Money 2020 showcasing its line of terminals, kiosk and integrated partner software solutions for hospitality, mobility, retail, transportation, lodging and unattended


Terminology Establishes Canadian Entity

TERMINOLOGY, INC a Terminals and Kiosk-as-a-Service enabler established its Canadian Entity to provide cross-border product development, data compliance infrastructure, certifications, logistics and distribution services to